Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wiki So Far

So far I have been working on a few things for the Wiki and have made several contributions:

I have added a section under New Media in Politics and how new media has allowed politicians to convey their views more efficiently than before. New Media creates more opportunities for politicians to develop their fan base and show their constituents what their political agenda is. Politics are influenced by new media as more people use new media as a way to receive information about current events in their world. New Media changes politics in many ways. Since the news is online and there are various sites to choose from, people are more selective in choosing what they want to read. I basically just added how new media can enhance politics.

I also added a section in New Media in Politics called Registering to Vote through social media. Here I just described how Facebook had an option this year that if people clicked a link it took them to a site that allowed you to register to vote.

The next section I added to was How the New Media are used in Business. Here I just made some small edits.

Then,  I made a contribution in the section for New Media in Toys. I created a new section called Terrorism and Toys. Here I explained how Terrorists have found a new way to communicate through technology via toys, such as the PlayStation 4. It has not been confirmed that attacks were explicitly discussed over PlayStations, but there has been evidence that has shown communication between terrorists members. I went through the Paris attacks in November and how gaming consoles may have been involved.

The last big section I am working on right now is New Media in Love. I have started a section called Marriage. I started by explaining what marriage is all about and what it is exactly. I also explain how it is incorporated in new media and how things are changing today. I am still researching this section, but I know I am going to have five sub-sections of five different religions. I will have one for Judaism, Buddhism, Catholocism, Christianity, and Islam. I will be explaining how marriage is different for each of these religions and how new media plays a role in each one of these. I will be focusing on this section for the remaining time of the semester and will hopefully be adding some images and interesting content here.

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