Monday, November 28, 2016

The Next New Thing

This is a very difficult thing to do, since it seems like every form of new media exists in our world today! What I am thinking is a way for people to use new media in order to find clothing. Here is the problem that I often find and maybe new media can solve it: I often see people wearing things that I like. Let's say I see them wearing a shirt or hat that I really want, but they are a complete stranger on the street so I wouldn't just go up to ask them where they bought it. So I would take a picture of the outfit and post it on some form of new media. This would be a type of forum that people can connect on in order to talk about fashion and clothing. I would post the article of clothing and people would respond where I can find it or find something similar. I am very into fashion and I find that there are not many social media outlets out there that allow people to come together to share ideas about fashion. Of course, there are all the websites and things like that, but I am talking about communication with people from all over the world. It would be so cool if I posted something that I saw and then someone from Paris or Dubai responded about it and gave me ideas from a completely different country and culture. I think it would be such a unique way to utilize new media, a way for people who share interests and ideas to come together and collaborate. I'm not sure if other people would find this helpful, but I know I definitely would want to use something like this. (I also really hope nothing like this does exist already!)


  1. That an amazing thought to consider in the new media industry, but I am anti social and would just want to get the info about the product right away. The idea of posting the picture of the product and people having their opinion as to where is it available would be keep people active on social media, but it would be time consuming. I would like for new media to create an app that when you take a picture and upload it; you get results instantly as to where it is available and how much it costs and also the reviews of the products.

  2. Hi Sarah,

    I really like your idea, I would definitely use it.
    I can't even count the number of times a saw a cute outfit and just couldn't get myself to ask the person where she got it from. It will definitely be less time consuming than looking for it online on different websites.
    I do believe that such privacy concerns need to be dresses; maybe users will be obligated to blur out the person's face instead of getting his consent.
    Either way, its a great idea. Sign me up :)

  3. Hi Sarah,

    Just like Adva mentioned, as long as the person's face is blurred out, I can see this working very well. People are so creative, and I too often find myself seeing very stylish people wearing cloths I would like to purchase myself as well, but dont have the courage to ask them where they bought it. I find that this would make an amazing APP.
