Thursday, October 27, 2016

Blog: Advice

I am a new employee at Baruch College hired to use new media to improve the College. Here is a list of suggestions I would make to the school about how they can incorporate different aspects of new media in order to enhance the education of the College: 

 I would say that most importantly, professors should be utilizing social media in a way that facilitates learning. There is so much that can be done online. I have had classes that have used wikis and blogs and other forms of social media. There are things that can be done in class and from home. Since college students do like to bring their computers to class, professors should use that to their advantage. Have them do assignments and group projects by using new media. 
Here is a list of some ways new media can be used in the classroom: 
-Having students create a Facebook page for a character from the literature they are studying
-Have students create a website that allows visitors to hear from students and professors about their daily lives. 
-For computer programming classes, the professors can have students create their own applications. 
-Computer science classes can certainly use work over social media. 
-Creativity is simply endless with new media. You can do things like having students use Twitter to have imagined conversations between famous literary figures.
-One strong suggestion I would make to the College, especially since Baruch is a commuter school, is to have more online and hybrid classes! It makes things a lot easier knowing you can do the class from literally anywhere you have Internet. This is an excellent way for new media to be incorporated into the College. Having online classes facilitates new media. 
-Twitter can be an excellent tool for a Journalism class. The fact that Twitter limits 140 character can be really helpful for people majoring in things like journalism. 
-Social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter offer a great way to enhance communication among students and teachers. 
-Teachers can post homework assignments through Facebook to provide easy access for students and to put the assignments and due date in writing. 
-No matter the size of your class, having all the students on a social media outlet brings them all together.  
-When teachers and students can easily contact each other they create better working relationships. They are also good for keeping updated on any occurrences.
-One benefit of social media is the ability to write down thoughts any time they occur. Encouraging students to brainstorm on class topics outside class time provides more opportunities for sharing great thoughts.
-These are all ways for college students to apply what they learn in a more interactive way. It gets them involved and interested in a way that lecturing just doesn't do. Using new media is also so beneficial because some kids just cannot focus in a long lecture. If a professor breaks it up by incorporating new media aspects this will really help kids who are more visual. Showing videos and things like that are also really helpful. 

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